Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Action Pictures

Reflective thoughts about this Project

Has your involvment in Me Myself and Mask enabled you to gain a
better understanding of the different aspects of both leading and creating a Community Arts Project?

Have you been able to put into practice your own perception of facilitation?

Do you consider that collaboration and facilitation are different roles to take?

Have you achieved the challenges that you will have set for yourself at the beginning of the project?

What have been the best and the most difficult areas that you have experienced throughout the process of this project?

Sunday, 15 March 2009

Private View

Site for Installation

Installation Interpretation:

Final Mask Designs

Here are a few images from the final workshop; where each Year 8 student pushed their mask design through to an exciting conclusion. These images will now be printed onto a 60x60cm piece of perspex and installed for the private view next Wednesday.

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Sunday, 8 March 2009



Was wondering if anyone had any ideas/direction or even some examples of questions that you would like to see in the 'QUESTIONNAIRE'

Kind Regards


Thursday, 5 March 2009

Mask Examples

A friend of mine, Terese Elhard, from my school back home made these mask prints in a class last semester. I think they are a great example of the project we are all working on. She made the masks based on people in her life and used simplified imagery and pattern to serve as symbolic expressions of the people, for example one of them has a mountain range type shape on his head. Interesting examples I think!

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Narrative Text/Image Activity


Warm-up, students chose an image from either previously taken photographs or a newspaper. Then they create a headline and narrative based upon the selected image.

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Workshop 04- Consequences (text)

Consequences Text:

Warm-up activity; linked to a similar ‘drawing’ exercise in the previous session.
Participants were asked to write down a response to the following (in this order)…

1. A person
2. Where they went to?
3. Who they met?
4. What did they say?
5. What happened?

After each question, the participant would conceal their answer by folding up the piece of paper. Following this, all participants would pass their paper around the table in the same direction, answering the next question on the new piece- recently passed onto them. The process continues until the fifth question has been answered.

Monday, 2 March 2009

Masques Africans

Peter Blake- Image, Text and Collage

Masks from Around the World

Participant Questionnaire

Julie and I have been looking to write a questionnaire for the pupils focusing on the their response to the workshops whilst asking them to address possible notions of personal and communal identity at the same time...

Does anyone have any suggestion or questions/topics that they think would be useful to include in this questionnaire?

Please post them up...


Workshop 03 Proposal

Text Activty Proposal:
